
Box Length Width And Height

These days, you lot can transport only about anything in a box.

There'south a box for about whatsoever size or shape detail.

Need a box for some perishable meat? No trouble. A beefy mattress? That can easily be delivered – in a box. A fragile 18th-century chandelier? Too easy.

Remainder assured, if you need to send it, there's a box for you lot.

Let'due south dive right into how to measure a box, so y'all'll know how to pick the correct box size and manner for your specific needs.

How to Measure a Box: Finding Your Box Size

How to Measure a Box Finding Your Box Size

Start off, you demand to get the box size correct.

You've probably heard that old maxim, "measure twice and cut once."

Well, it's relevant to box measurements likewise. Earlier y'all identify a large order for custom boxes , you need to make sure you're ordering the right size. And simply eye-balling your measurements isn't going to cut it.

If you want a jumping-off point to assistance estimate standard box sizes, consider the well-nigh common size shipping box is xvi"x12"x12", a 1.five cubic foot box.

The disquisitional thing to remember when measuring a box is that at that place are two measurements – the interior and exterior . A common 16″x12″x12″ box? Those are the inside box measurements. Outside, that same box measures sixteen 3/eight×12 3/8×12 5/eight″.

Every bit you tin can see, oftentimes these box dimensions can be close, but you demand to know which is which to avoid costly mistakes. Y'all'd hate to be only a ½ inch off and non be able to fit any of your products in the box.

When you see the box measurements listed in a itemize or a website, they're typically referring to the interior dimensions .

Box sizes are measured by their internal dimensions, and are are listed in the order of length, width, and tiptop (Fifty ten Westward x H).

If you're measuring for a custom box , you lot should measure out to the closest 1/10th of an inch. That's pretty precise, then double-check your numbers.

Now let's talk near the exterior measurement of the box, which will make up one's mind your shipping costs.

While shipping costs vary widely between services, you can ballpark what you might expect to pay using their specific box size guidelines. FedEx and USPS offer fairly straightforward guides.

Obviously, anything that falls exterior of their basic pricing guidelines could be bailiwick to even higher costs.

Subsequently y'all've packed upwards your box and taped it close, measure the outside, and so you lot'll know how much volume the box will take upwards on the truck. If you lot're aircraft in bulk, the exterior measurements will also give you an idea of how many boxes you can fit on a pallet.

Box Styles Explained: How Boxes Are Built

Box Styles Explained How Boxes Are Built

So at present, you should have a skilful grasp size box sizes you lot need, just now comes the tricky part.

There are virtually hundreds of box styles to choose from. I know, who would have thought there could be such a variety.

Simply consider for a infinitesimal all of the unlike products and items and things and knick-knacks that ship on a daily basis. Remember our earlier examples? Perishable meat, beefy mattress, frail 18th-century chandelier?

You demand a lot of unlike boxes to ship a lot of unlike products. And this is the basics and bolts of packaging.

You might have the prettiest looking box. You might offer the all-time possible production. Just a mismatch between the 2 can result in damaged goods or a poor unboxing experience for the consumer.

Nobody wants that.

Let's have a deep dive into all of the possible box types and styles to ensure you lot have that winning combination that will make both your customers and your make happy.

Finding the Correct Box Blazon for Your Strength and Build Requirements

The majority of retail boxes that you'll run across lining the shelves of any brick-and-mortar store – from cereals, milk, cosmetics – come in carton boxes . While these are 1 of the most well-known and diverse box types available, they aren't intended for shipping.

For our purposes below, we'll be considering shipping needs every bit well. And when discussing aircraft boxes , the chief box type being referenced is the corrugated box .

Almost often constructed of three layers – two layers of fiberboard (container or linerboard) surrounding a fluted corrugated medium (a wavy piece of fiberboard) that helps requite the box its strength and durability.

Consider the departure between a cereal box (a single sheet of paperboard) versus a basic moving box (the corrugated box). Information technology's easy to meet why the latter is favored for aircraft and fulfillment .

These corrugated boxes can exist used for all way of goods – everything from toys and electronics to foods and appliances. Even hazardous materials ship in the corrugated box if afforded the correct exterior thickness and interior packing material.

The advantages of corrugated boxes for aircraft include:

  • High durability
  • Lightweight
  • Relatively depression shipping costs
  • Reusable
  • Good protection by itself, outstanding when paired with void make full
  • Comes in practically any shape and size imaginable

Corrugated boxes come up in four different builds. They include:

  • Single Face: A single sheet of fiberboard is glued to a single fluted corrugated medium. About often, this grade is utilized equally a heavy-duty packing material and not in the construction of an actual box.
  • Unmarried Wall: This form is your basic everyday corrugated box – the ii layers of fiberboard glued on either side to the fluted corrugated medium. Single wall corrugated boxes are the standard for the vast majority of shipping needs.
  • Double Wall: With an additional layer of protection – 3 sheets of fiberboard alternated with two fluted corrugated mediums – double wall boxes significantly increase a box's durability and protection. Although it offers increased protection for bulky or heavy items like electronics, information technology also adds to your shipping costs.
  • Triple Wall: As you lot might take guessed, a triple wall corrugated box is some heavy-duty stuff. It adds another layer of fiberboard and a corrugated medium to the build. The strength is on par with wooden crates. Practice you need to ship industrial or medical equipment, big appliances, or large panes of drinking glass? This is what you use to do it.

Taking the structure a step further, there are five unlike fluted corrugated mediums. The flute variances are based on flutes per square foot and thickness. You tin combine different flute styles in custom packaging to adjust the thickness and immovability based on what you're shipping.

  • A-Flute: 33 flutes per foursquare foot and 3/16 inch thickness. Ideal for shipping fragile items.
  • B-Flute: 47 flutes per foursquare pes and one/8 inch thickness. Ideal for items such as canned goods or for use as interior packing dividers.
  • C-Flute: 39 flutes per foursquare foot and 5/32 inch thickness. Ideal for basic shipping needs and is the about common flute size.
  • E-Flute: 90 flutes per square foot and 1/16 inch thickness. Ideal for smaller frail items and high-quality printing (remember cosmetics packaging or for modest glass products).
  • F-Flute: 125 flutes per square foot and 1/32 inch thickness. Ideal for pocket-size retail packaging items.

Different Styles of Corrugated Boxes for Aircraft

Different Styles of Corrugated Boxes for Shipping

Then that's how boxes are built. What about the box sizes and forms they can take?

As nosotros noted earlier, it tin exist a taxing affair to count all of the means yous can shape a box.

Depending on where you look, you can choose from between 1,500 and ii,000 different options. That's assuming you don't have any custom packaging needs.

Nosotros'll wait while you quietly utter "wow" to yourself.

In an attempt to continue the details uncomplicated, allow's focus our attention on the almost common box forms. Trust usa, information technology'due south yet a lot.

There are actually six bones box styles – Slotted, Telescope, Rigid, Folders, Self-Erecting, and Interior Forms. Here's a breakdown of some of the most widely used box styles :

Slotted Boxes

Constructed from 1 single piece of corrugated fiberboard, these boxes are "slotted to allow for easy folding and assembly. This style of box is the most popular and widely used.

  • Regular slotted container (RCS): Regular slotted containers are the most ordinarily used corrugated shipping box . They have 2 sets of flaps, each being one-half the width of the box, which meet in the middle. Y'all'll demand tape to close it.
  • One-half slotted container (HSC): Similar to the regular slotted selection except that there's only one ready of flaps instead of ii.
  • Overlap slotted container (OSC): This box resembles the regular slotted box, but the two sets of flaps are of equal length, that provides an overlapping enclosure (roughly about an inch to an inch and a half more than the regular slotted box) instead of ones that meet in the middle. You'll commonly see these boxes attached with staples instead of tape.
  • Total overlap slotted container (FOL): Like the overlap box, all flaps have an equal length but measure out the entire width of the box. Not just are these boxes more than secure, but they stack easier due to a seamless flat bottom when airtight. Both the overlap and full overlap are more than expensive to procure.

Slotted boxes also feature center slotted varieties with inner flaps that run across and other flaps with diverse degrees of overlap. The snap-lock bottom or 1-2-3 lesser offering a quicker set-up than a regular slotted container and tin feature a peak tuck or regular slotted enclosure.

There's also a blare mode height that includes a folding top instead of flaps to secure the box's height portion.

Other Box Styles to Consider

While slotted boxes are the most popular form of shipping box, the other styles we mentioned garner plenty of use. These include:

  • Telescope Boxes: Telescope boxes include two separate pieces – a top and a bottom – with one fitting over the other. The main styles include a full telescope design manner container (FTD) option formed from two slotted pieces that serve as trays that fit inside each other. The box design style container with cover is like to the to a higher place. Just the top portion or cover of the box does non extend all the fashion downward the bottom portion of the container. Imagine a traditional two-piece shoebox. Other variations include the double cover container (DC), interlocking double comprehend container (IC), and the total telescope one-half slotted container (FTHS).
  • Rigid Boxes: Rigid boxes, also called bliss boxes, feature ii same size end panels and a body that folds around to create two side panels and a seamless lesser. One time the joints of the box are sealed, the box is considered rigid.
  • Folders: Folders are merely that, single pieces of corrugated fiberboard that fold to create a seamless bottom with flaps coming together at the top of the box. Two variants include the one-slice folder (OPF) and five-panel folder (FPF). Another type of folder includes trays that fold and join together to create sturdy containers featuring both a cover or an open top. Other folders feature air cells (flaps that fold over to create boosted protection), wraparounds that fit direct around a production, or a loftier wall or display tray.
  • Self-erecting: Self-erecting boxes feature elevation panels typical of a regular slotted container with a pre-glued car bottom. There's likewise a self-erecting six corner tray that features a telescope tiptop.
  • Interior Forms: Finally, interior forms are corrugated pieces that serve as interior packing forms. Styles include dividers, liners, pads, partitions, or tubes. Interior forms assist further strengthen corrugated boxes and protect and cushion fragile products. Although the added materials can increase costs, custom interior forms can also enhance your packaging presentation and provide customers a wow-worthy unboxing experience.

Phew. Bet yous didn't know at that place were and so many choices for a lowly box. And the list could go along and on. Nosotros haven't even touched on packaging design . Just this gives y'all an idea of some of your options.

When deciding on which box size is best for your products, the cost of custom boxes is important , but likewise keep in listen how long information technology takes to assemble boxes .

You may pay more upfront for already assembled boxes, but it might exist worth it if you don't have time to devote to folding the boxes together.


Before moving on to how to choose the correct box size , we would be doing you a disservice if we didn't include a quick notation on mailers.

Yep, boxes are the primary vessel for aircraft the vast majority of products to your customers. However, mailers are a skillful alternative if the product – or your packaging presentation – may non warrant a full-blown box.

Think items that don't crave the protection a box provides (t-shirts) or apartment products that would be swallowed up in a box (smartphone cases, screen protectors, or books).

Solutions such equally numberless, Tyvek envelopes, and padded mailers are neat box alternatives. If you can't package a number of small-scale products together or accept atypical items that demand little protection, a mailer might be the way to go. In some cases, they tin evidence considerably cheaper to ship as well.

Consider How Packaging Fill Impacts Box Dimensions

Consider How Packaging Fill Impacts Box Dimensions

Boxes and shipping are more than simply, well, boxes and shipping.

Rarely is an detail just flung in a box and shipped off. What goes inside your box is also important. And we're not talking nearly the products you transport. Not directly anyway.

Void or infill is an integral role of the box-sizing process. Not bookkeeping for how y'all programme to pad and protect the products you ship can lead to ordering improperly sized boxes, utilizing more materials than is necessary, or increased packaging and shipping costs.

Haphazardly piecing together your packaging may also result in dissatisfied consumers either from a less than desirable unboxing experience or damaged goods. Having packaging that's social media shareworthy is one of your strongest marketing tools, don't risk losing it with damaged products.

Permit's explore a handful of popular options for void make full and how they can impact the box dimensions and style that you choose.

  • Packaging Paper: Arguably, the most widely used void fill up cloth, packaging newspaper is fantabulous for filling space and general product protection during shipping. The two main types of newspaper include Newsprint and Kraft. Because both are ultimately but a sturdier form of paper, neither pick volition accept a significant impact when accounting for box sizes . You can also employ recyclable paper options.
  • Bubble Wrap: A go-to for many brands, chimera wrap is peachy because, similar to packaging paper, it'south perfect for filling voids and keeping items safe. It does prove burdensome to store (and DIY options require the buy of a $iv,000 air filling car). It isn't the well-nigh environmentally-friendly choice for packaging . But it won't alter your box measuring requirements.
  • Corrugated Paper: The environmentally friendly alternative to plastic chimera wrap, corrugated paper is what's left of the corrugated box making procedure. That excess makes for superior packaging textile both as bones void fill and protection or for a more appealing boxing presentation. Supremely flexible, modest amounts won't have an impact on your box measurements . However, incorporate it as a stylish display in smaller packaging (it'southward excellent for creating a "nest" to cradle items), and you might demand to increase your box size.
  • Inflatables: No, we're not talking balloons here. Instead, inflatables, also chosen air pillows, offer some of the best aircraft cushioning available. The downside, though, is that due to their looseness within a box, information technology can pb brands into ownership one size fits all boxes. Non slap-up if your aim is to closely match your production, battle and shipping needs. In add-on, while they offer a pocket-sized storage footprint (they come up uninflated), they practise require a pricey air filling machine.
  • Custom Inserts: Although it might add to your packaging and shipping costs , customized inserts are excellent for protecting and enhancing the unboxing feel. It will take some actress leg work to get your box measurements and style simply right. You'll need to business relationship for the size of the product, how it volition fit within the insert, and how the insert will fit within the box. It can exist time-consuming and requires some planning, simply information technology's well worth the attempt.
  • Crinkle Paper: Yep, it's basically shredded paper that'due south crinkled up. Although it's a bit messy, this form of custom packing makes for a fancy presentation, offers adequate protection for small or moderately fragile items, and will work inside practically any box dimensions you choose. That said, we'll reiterate, it tin create a mess, so information technology's best used in smaller boxes and doses.
  • Packing Peanuts: Speaking of messes, packing peanuts is a stalwart of the shipping business. They will work for whatsoever size box, peculiarly big ones with a lot of void to make full, but they're non at all good for the environment. Nosotros suggest you steer clear of these.
  • Biodegradable Starch Peanuts: If, nevertheless, you like the idea of peanuts and packing and filling whatever box size yous desire with them, we suggest y'all go green. Biodegradable starch peanuts are substantially the same as regular packing peanuts, only eco-friendly. These are crawly and volition exist appreciated by your customers. Considering, seriously, who wants to bulldoze to a UPS shop to recycle old styrofoam peanuts?
  • Double Boxing: Similar to custom inserts, double boxing creates a bundle within a parcel event. In theory, this does assist in protecting items within the product box. Nevertheless, you will demand to account for securing the smaller production box inside the larger shipping box. Unless information technology's role of a specific presentation, this approach will increase your costs and double your box measurement and style considerations.
  • Instapak: Instapak is an expanding foam that conforms to the shape of the item you're shipping and the box it's shipped in. It offers good protection, especially for heavy or fragile equipment, and is usable in most box sizes . But it'southward non eco-friendly and can be expensive.
  • Molded Lurid: Molded pulp, on the other manus, is eco-friendly since its recycled newsprint or cardboard that acts equally a superb and attractive buffer for fragile products (recall bottled wine). Information technology is a bit more pricy than basic packaging, and it works best customized to fit your outer aircraft box.

When planning out your boxing and void fill options, information technology's e'er a good idea to stick to eco-friendly packaging if you can.

Ecommerce, as convenient as it is, does generate its share of waste. When planning out your ecommerce packaging box needs, stay cognizant of using just what's necessary to protect your goods and offer the best unboxing feel possible.

Additionally, using boxes and other packaging made of post-consumer waste may cost you a little more than money upfront simply can enhance your reputation by showing that you care about the environment.

How to Choice the Correct Box Size

How to Pick the Right Box Size

Of course, the number one deciding factor on which box size you demand comes down to the products you're packaging.

First off, y'all need a box size that physically fits your items. Know the dimensions of your products. Yes, this involves more measuring (length, width, and height).

Y'all'll likewise have to decide the near efficient fashion to fit your product in a box.

If you're shipping something similar a rug, you may decide to roll it up and put it in a long, narrow box. Only there's not a one box fits all – even for similar products.

Case in point, I ordered a rug that was sparse plenty to be folded and put in a mailer. It arrived in perfect condition – all the fashion from Turkey. So play around and find the all-time box size and style for your unique products.

You know that you won't be able to squeeze a football into a flat box. Just, likewise make certain your box isn't too big. Packing a unmarried mug in an actress-large box makes nada sense. Who wants to pay to ship air? The right box size should provide a snug fit, so your product isn't rattling around in there.

When possible, it's a practiced idea to combine products every bit office of your aircraft strategy .

If you're shipping multiple products at ane time, yous tin can fit them together. Be sure to wrap them individually or use corrugated inserts to protect them from crashing into each other during transit.

Also, keep in heed that retail boxes usually aren't strong plenty to exist shipped by themselves, equally near retail packaging uses some variety of carton boxes . so yous'll have to use a close-fitting outer box for shipping – the double boxing method.

If the product is breakable, you'll have to accept some extra steps to secure information technology. Yous tin use void make full like air pillows, cockle paper, or biodegradable peanuts to cushion it.

Try several drop tests to brand sure your products are rubber. It's also a good idea to do a trial run with your packaging to see if it survives any shipping abuse and arrives safely at its destination.

Many shippers recommend at least two inches of padding around fragile items. Be sure to attach to any requirements your shipper has. You'd hate for your insurance claim to exist denied because your detail was improperly packed.

Measure out Abroad!

No matter what size, or odd-shaped item you need to send to a customer, you can bet there's a box that will become it in that location in one piece and in manner.

Same as you lot would with any other attribute of your concern, carefully program out what your boxing and shipping needs will exist before making any material purchases.

Recollect, it'due south non just a matter of what you ship that determines the box size and mode yous need.

It'due south also vital to figure out how much protection an detail will need, whether you're trying to impress with the unboxing experience or simply want to stay within a budget.

So, measure away and find the right boxes for your unique products.

If yous need help measuring your products to find the right box size, the custom packaging specialists at Refine Packaging tin can assist. Request a costless consultation to speak with our team of highly-talented graphic artists and engineers, who will guide yous through the packaging process step-by-footstep to have your packaging to the next level.

Last Updated: October 1, 2022

Box Length Width And Height,


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